For years, I have been using open access textbooks and admiring the educators who write them. Now, I am grateful for the people who supported me in writing my open educational resource.
Thank you to the current and former University of North Texas librarians who secured OER resource grants, acquired the Pressbooks platform, created an OER instruction manual, and more. John Edward Martin, Scholarly Communication Librarian, helped me navigate Pressbooks and publish this book. Greg Hardin, Association Librarian, Information Literacy Coordinator, and Subject Librarian for the College of Information supported me and my research assistants. Robbie Sittel, Head of the Sycamore Library and Government Information Librarian selected many of the resources cited throughout this book. Kevin S. Hawkins, former UNT librarian and inaugural program director for the Opioid Industry Documents Archive, helped me start this project.
I am grateful to my department chair, Jiangping Chen, and Dean Kinshuk for their support of this work, and to our departmental research assistants. Mohotarema Rashid, MBA and PhD candidate in Information Science, programmed the book in Pressbooks and assisted with copyediting and graphics troubleshooting. Adrienne Kelish, JD and MS-LS student in law librarianship, conducted interviews with most of the librarians featured in the Law Librarian Spotlights. She researched and drafted nearly every Legal Touchstone entry. She produced numerous graphics and offered constructive feedback on chapter 1.
I greatly appreciate the librarians who were interviewed for this book, reviewed draft spotlights, and offered ideas. Your wisdom, experience, stories, and collegiality are the heart of this book and our profession.
Finally, thank you to my wife and children who, among other things, allowed me time to finish this book during our cross-country move.