About UNT Open Books

Open Books are free to read, download, share, and adopt or adapt for your own courses! These books are produced by UNT faculty, staff, and students who are writing a textbook or engaging in collaborative scholarly writing from a variety of disciplines and professional backgrounds and who have decided to make their work available in an accessible format for readers everywhere.

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UNT Open Texts

Texts identified as Open Texts are part of a collaborative effort of the UNT Press and the University Libraries to support UNT faculty who wish to publish an open access textbook for use in UNT courses.

These textbooks are free to read online, with a downloadable e-book version and a low-cost print edition available for purchase by students at UNT and elsewhere.

Open access textbooks can help reduce the cost of education for students, allow faculty more flexibility in tailoring material to their courses, and support UNTs larger commitment to open access.

For more information on these and other Open Access initiatives at UNT, see Open Access@UNT, or contact the Scholarly Communication Office at scholarlycommunication@unt.edu.